The Future of Borrowing – Binance’s Fixed Rate Loans

The Future of Borrowing - Binance's Fixed Rate Loans

With the introduction of Fixed Rate Loans, Binance gives customers the option to borrow and lend stablecoins at fixed interest rates. With this innovative service, borrowers, and suppliers can enjoy greater stability and convenience as the annual percentage rate is fixed for the duration of the loan.

How Binance Fixed Rate Loans Work

Borrowing Process
  • Place an Order: After selecting “I want to borrow,” users can click “Place an order” or pick an item from the “Borrow Market.”
  • Assemble the Collateral: In order to achieve the necessary Loan-to-Value (LTV) ratio, choose qualified assets from your Spot Wallet.
  • Verify Order: Examine and verify the terms and details.
  • Order Matched: After being matched, your Spot Wallet will get the borrowed money with less interest.
  • Repayment: To avoid fines, repay the loan in full before it expires.
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Supplying Process
  • Make a Purchase: You can order from the “Supply Market” or select “I want to supply.”
  • Verify Order: Examine and verify the terms.
  • Matched Order: Your provided cash will be safeguarded after matching, and interest will begin to accrue.
  • Repayment: Within 24 hours of the loan’s expiration, your principal and interest will be sent back to your Spot Wallet.

Binance Loans Products Comparison

ProductFixed Rate LoansFlexible LoansVIP Loan
DurationFixed termFlexible termFixed and Flexible
Interest RateSelectablePredetermined ratesPredetermined rates
Collateral AssetMulti-asset collateralSingle collateralMulti-asset collateral
Min Borrow$50,000 stablecoins$1 tokens$500,000 tokens
AdvantageFixed costs and durationBorrow anytimeFlexible fund usage
Binance Loans Products

About Binance Fixed Rate Loans

A stable, highly collateralized loan environment supporting numerous assets is offered by Binance Fixed Rate Loans. For user convenience, this function offers auto-repay and auto-renew choices in addition to ensuring decreased liquidation risk. Under Binance’s management, the procedure is streamlined and easy to use, with the goal of seamlessly connecting providers and borrowers.


What are Binance Fixed Rate Loans?

Users can borrow and lend stablecoins at fixed interest rates for a predetermined period of time with Binance Fixed Rate Loans.

How do I borrow with Binance Fixed Rate Loans?

Orders are placed, collateral is set up, and your borrowed money is transferred to your Spot Wallet after they match.

What are the minimum borrow and supply amounts?

The minimum supply quantity is determined by your selected order, and the minimum borrow amount is $50,000.

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